First Prize! Leopard in the Wild!

First Prize! Leopard in the Wild!

We were staying about a 20 minute drive from the Phabeni gate of the Kruger National Park in a resort called Hazyview Cabanas. Game driving through the park is an awesome experience but with two kids both younger then three we wisely decided that we would only spend...
A Couple of Weeks of Wild Wednesdays

A Couple of Weeks of Wild Wednesdays

And I’m back! My apologies for the absence over the last couple of weeks. My family and I have spent a considerable amount of time traveling to see family, friends and get passports sorted out for our next trip. At the start of August we joined my parents on a...
Autumn in London

Autumn in London

London is a magical city. A senior pastor at a church I used to attend there calls it the greatest city in the world. While I think that’s stretching things a bit, it truly is a marvelous place. There is so much to see and do that although I lived in London for...
Wild Wednesday: Spotted Thick-Knee!

Wild Wednesday: Spotted Thick-Knee!

Yes, that’s what this rather unusual looking bird is called. While I was crawling around in the thorns and dead grass of the veld shooting dandelions I remembered to turn around and look for this guy. I had spotted him last week but only had a chance to shoot...
Travelling Tuesday: Japan {or} Are My Eyes Deceiving Me?

Travelling Tuesday: Japan {or} Are My Eyes Deceiving Me?

I have spent a little time in Japan and wish that I had taken the opportunity to take better photos of this beautiful country. But I don’t think that my interest in photography had quite taken off at that point in my life. This shot actually comes from the final...
Dandelions in the Sun

Dandelions in the Sun

Dandelions always make such great subjects for macro photography. The field next to my parents’ home is alive with them and they stand out wonderfully backlit by the late afternoon sun. I took my chance to capture some of them. Now one would think it super easy...